
Steps to Buying an Investment Property MFAA Accredited Finance Broker

Step 1: Speak to an MFAA Accredited mortgage broker

How to select a business loan Business Loan

From time to time, a business needs a cash injection. With so many lenders offering a dizzying array of products, it can be difficult to know what to choose.

What to be aware of when buying off the plan What to be aware of when buying off the plan

At Arafura Finance Brokers we have seen a spike in interest in buying off the plan investment properties since 2010, which is what has inspired this FAQ.

Small business finance without the headache Small Business Finance

While small to medium enterprises (SMEs) account for 97% of Australian businesses, it can still be difficult to make a case to a bank when looking for finance to start a new business or invest in t

Bridging finance Darwin mortgage broker

When selling one property and purchasing another, the funds from the sale may not be available in time to use for the purchase deposit.

First Home Buyer - May 2024

In May 2024, Darwin has some of the cheapest city homes in the country, here is how the numbers add up for a First Home Buy

When should I find a mortgage broker? Binoculars

Saving for a home? If you haven’t met with a mortgage broker yet, it may cost you. Here’s why.

Finding a home loan when you’re self-employed Woman with laptop

Self-employed borrowers often come up against the challenge of not being able to present a raft of payslips and tax returns to back up their loan applications, but this need not stop you buying you

A home of one’s own Purchase a property as a single

Are you flying solo and starting to think that buying a property will never be possible?

How brokers can help: commercial and asset finance House with pool

Why choose a business finance broker? 
