Maximising the amount a lender will hand over to you isn’t about trying to take on unmanageable levels of debt. It’s a matter of taking a few simple but smart steps that could mean the difference between toiling in that ‘fixer-upper’ or owning your dream home using a Darwin mortgage broker for a home loan.
1. Shop around for lenders
Different lenders define income in so many different ways that it pays to use a mortgage broker who knows their way around what’s included and what’s not. One lender may allow share dividends as income, while another lender may not.
2. Shop around for the right mortgage
A good Darwin mortgage broker will help you choose the most appropriate mortgage. Even with one lender, your borrowing capacity can vary due to the loan type that you choose. If you add features such as a line of credit this can reduce the amount you can borrow.
3. Update your financial records
Try to have your PAYG income tax return as up-to-date as possible. This gives a better historical view of your income than just the two most recent pay slips.
4. Check your credit rating
Check your credit rating before applying for a mortgage.
For more information on a Mortgage Broker for a Home Loan in Darwin call Nick Kirlew today on 0447 499 794. You can access our Mortgage Calculator here.