165 Trower Road Alawa
According to Listing Agent Matt Englund this family home is filled with character and potential. With three generous bedrooms including a study it’s a perfect fit for a FAMILY. With room to move outside, swings, pets, boats can be accommodated with ease. This property has instant market appeal due to its flexibility and buyers and savvy investors alike will see the potential. This is a MUST see property.
* Family orientated house design
* Outdoor entertainment areas
* Three generous bedrooms, plus study
* Property oozes character and potential
* Ample room for pets, boats and kids
* Genuine Vendor requires Sale
Year Built: 1977
Area under title: 1210 m2
Zoning: SD (Single Dwelling)
Council Rates: $1,455 per annum
Easements: Sewerage Easements to Power & Water Authority
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Source: http://www.realestate.com.au/property-house-nt-alawa-119064743
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Auction Date:
6 Mar 2015 - 6:00pm